Saturday, November 18, 2006

Do you take your job personally?

Shawna and Tracy call me over for an update of what's goin on at the lines. Why are we meeting rate? So I update them. Everyone claims the clip machine's fucking up and we ain't meeting rate. Thats ridiculous! The guys in the second make rate consistently. The bitch in the first gabbers away to glory and doesn't want to make rate. Why? "Why should we? We dont get any appreciation". True..very true! Is that a management problem? Maybe, maybe not.
But well...anyways...
Shawna tells me..."You know what yours and Jeremy's problem is? You guys are too nice with our suppliers and they are taking advantage of you!" Hmmm...point noted your honor. But hasn't our work been done without any sparks flying around? Never mind...I ain't going to correct her. I dont want to.
So they call up Jim. Ask me to be in the room and just listen and tell them if what he says is true or not. Now if at all I am anyone's fan...that Jim. I don't like this scenario. But nevertheless I want to see how these two femmes tackle Jim...or rather the other way round. :)
That's one phone conversation I dont want to forget in a hurry. Two ruthless customer femmes...trying to ream Jim's ass. Naahhh! He wouldn't give way. That was one smooth way to tackle.
After the phone call...I ask Tracy..."Did you get whatever you wanted off that phone call? Were you satisfied with what Jim had to say?" And all she says,,,"Well...kinda"
And then I talk to Jim later..."How did the conversation go?". He replies back...."GREAT! They hammered me...I hammered back! All in good spirits. This is business. You dont take anything personally."
Nice! I guess thats a good point there. You take things people say too personally and your emotions come into play and ego gets involved. You DONT want that. That was a lesson learnt.
I gave that a lot of thought over the past couple of days. Is that right? "Dont take your job personally" Can that be right? I think yes! This does not mean that you gotta be one shameless SOB. But you dont take it upon you that all that happens is your fault.
Another session of 'random ramblings' :)

1 comment:

  1. awesome blog Guru .. addiing you to my blog roll .. hope you dont mind ;)
