Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I was at Malli's and was reminded of coming up with the expense report for our Shenandoah trip. And I was like...ok..alright...I will get to it when I can...
That's when Malli suggested this awesome site: Mint
I wonder how and why I did not come across such a wonderful and helpful site. Did I forget to add FREE?
I saw so many other tools/sites/programs charging exorbitant fees for far less and complex stuff than Mint.com.
It takes literally minutes to set up. Just provide it with your login and passwords to your accounts. It is safe, don't you worry. It does not ask for your names, your SSN, or your personally identifiable info and no money can be transferred in or out. Its just a 'read only' reporting tool.
You can set it to retrieve your bank balances, credit card balances, loans, real estate, car(s) and investment accounts. Further settings can include the APRs, interest rates, monthly fees, and email alerts.
So, I set up my accounts and it retrieves my balances and transaction activity very accurately and charts them out beautifully in charts and reports.

(Click on the image to get a better view)

As I browsed about in the site, it did not stop surprising me with the great stuff it has to offer. Suggestions to save, performance of my investments vs the DOW, suggestions to roll over previous IRAs, my spending trends, categories of my expenses. You can set up your budgets for different expenses and this thing tells you if you are on track, over budget or if you need to slow down! It suggests credit cards, banks, CDs, brokerage firms and IRA rollover suggestions!
So much so that, depending on how you set up your alerts, it can send you emails/sms' to alert you that a particular credit card bill is due. Imagine that!
A couple more screenshots might help you understand why I LOVE this site: (click on the pics to enlarge and view them better)

Now this is something, I really think everyone should know. Helps with consolidating all your accounts and tells you if you are screwing up...or getting screwed. A nice way to manage your money. IMHO.
Thanks Malli!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Running log and journal

So I decided last week that I am going to keep a journal of my runs. From the looks of it, this might be a little more than just a passing whim. So I started this new blog: Running Indian. Lucky I found that name not taken (not too many indians running out there eh?). 
Also found this good site to map my run: MapMyRun. Cool site. You can keep a record of your workouts there and pull out maps to embed in your blogs. Have embedded this first map...just for kicks.

I hope the journal serves its purpose of keeping me focussed. Let's see how it works out.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Craigslist scam

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Antique Tables Made Daily?!

Huh? Am I missing something here or is this a valid oxymoron? Found this on our way back from Shenandoah.


After I put my status up on FB announcing my 10K achievement, Swapna asked a very simple but relevant question: "What are you training for?" A casual question, no doubt. But it got me thinking. Have I set a goal for myself? Running goals? Short-term goals? Long-term goals? Anything at all?
I used to do that. Remember? I guess I did reach most of them, if not all. And then complacency set in. Or fear of the uncertain, hence the future, hence fear of setting goals. Deep?
That was a good awakening call. 

The first 10K!

Yay!!!! I did it! My first official run! The 10K in Lorton, VA on September 12 2009! The feeling is like none other!
The day was perfect. We reached in time to collect our packets and warm up. I started the race really really slow. I was worried about my shin splints. I had the shin and calf sleeve on and was in my old shoes. (Am a little skeptical of the new Nikes). I guess the combination of the sleeve, old shoes, proper warm up and the ultrasound I'd done last week helped. Minimal splint pain...or rather tolerable splints I should say. The terrain was pretty hilly, I should say (or 'hillier' than I practised). But somewhere midway, I thought, it's okay...just let go and stop. But for some reason I didn't. It was nothing to do with 'saving face' or determination or anything of the kind. I just went on I guess. Good for me!
I badly wanted to finish the race within the hour. Even during the practice runs, it never occurred to me to go beyond 60mins. But I finished in 61:23. So a little disappointing, but very satisfying I should say. Hey! You got to see where I come from. A little शाबाशी certainly is due. :)
Madhura and I finished at exactly the same time.
And this thing IS addictive. I cannot wait for the next one. Where? When? Did not register as yet.
Just for posterity, here's a snapshot of the results:
A nice sumptuous breakfast followed by good sleep and a movie in the evening with wife and friends. Nice!